If it's minimum wage, it's almost impossible to fuck up the interview. Each place has it's little quirk, and that's about it. The Subway up here requires you to call back after the interview within three days before they'll actually consider hiring you. Doesn't matter if you were polite or answered all their questions properly. You HAVE TO call them. Not sure if that's just here or in all the stores. As for where I work, all you gotta do is act like this shitty job is the greatest opportunity ever. The exact words were "If they think they're too good for the job, then we don't want them!" Now, this is minimum wage. If they could legally pay you less money, they would. The very idea that you must believe something like that is too good for you is ridiculous. If a person truly believed he wasn't good enough to work the sales floor of a grocery store, then how utterly stupid must that dumb motherfucker be? Even then, we have two of those individuals in our department. They couldn't even fill out the standard forms about themselves by themselves. Our store still hired them. If those clowns can bumble themselves into the deli department despite lacking a pair of brain cells to rub together into a single, competent thought, then you should be just fine. If you know what one-half is as a decimal, you're overqualified. Just be sure to not let them know you're overqualified.
I couldn't get a min. wage job back when I lived in South Florida though. There were more people than jobs, so it was common practice to throw out the resume if a person wasn't needed at that very moment. Of course, all job applications back then were on paper, so I'm sure most just tossed them into the trash the moment I left to avoid having to actually file them somewhere for thirty days like the applications claimed they would do.
Good luck to you, Billy. If I wasn't in the hole for 9k at the moment, I would have paid you the $12 on your Patreon to help you not feel worthless for a year. Still, you can make cartoons. I can barely draw on paper, so feel good knowing you're worth more than me (and plenty of other people, as well. I'm sure of that.)
(sorry in advance for text wall)
Holy hell, you remind me a lot about myself, and how I got to where I am now. I also had to deal with the "must get job" thing, and at first, I kinda skirted around that by running an eBay store for 3 years... seemed like a good idea at the time, occasional got "ok" money, usually didn't, especially near the end, when my motivation for it started to dwindle, and I realized that there were better opportunities elsewhere. Didn't help that I was deathly afraid of screwing up both the interview process and the keeping-the-job process. Long story short, I have a job now, at Publix (a store here in Hurricane Alley). If I, a socially-awkward, stupidly self-conscious numbnut (and an anxiety and adhd ridden aspie) can do pretty ok at his job for 6+ months, you should probably do fine. Good luck, mate
Oh shit, that's like almost exact to my situation, scarily close lol.
It does help reassure me that things will be fine though, so thank you for sharing ;3