Actually we made a same way but I satarted animation 4 years ago. So yeah, I see same troubles in my works.
Your animation (motion) turn much better but your art style seems a bit complicated and clour palet not so great as coud be.
So I think you shall think about style and colours. It will make sence.
I think you should work more on your art style. It has been improving with time but you need to work more on it before you focus on larger tasks like frogman.
I hope to see more from FrogMan and your other works in the future, but you need to hone your craft first.
I was't able to vote, but if I had a twitter I would voted for B, with a close second for C.
wow nice thanks for the comment my friend :) i hope you know that i really couldnt care one bit about about your low life fuck face cock fag opinions so go suck a dockey dick and enjoy the taste as you arent getting a taste of hapiness from me as i REALLY DO NOT CARE! ASSHOLE TWAT COCK NOB FUCK CUNT and i dont care if M-bot gets meh cos i has SOUNDCLICKS so bye byes mah dears frendz ;) winkeh winkeh winkeh oh yea by the way i forgot to say FUCK YOU!