I've been interested in animation for longer than I can remember. I'm mostly self taught, and seem to be improving with everything I release. I hope to one day further my skills. I love making cartoons.

Age 29, Male



Joined on 12/13/08

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Eight Years of FrogMan the Series + Zelda Cartoon

Posted by artistunknown - September 1st, 2018

Today marks the 8th anniversary of FrogMan the Series, and I have nothing to celebrate it with lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not too big of a deal though, this isn't the first time this has happened.  I did have a few things in mind to celebrate this year, but they couldn't get done in time, maybe there will be some kind of celebration by the end of the month though, idk.

Plus it's not like anyone cares about FMTS anyways!!!!!!!!!!1


Also I put out a Zelda cartoon, you should go watch it, I spent way too fucking long on it.


Speaking of, I always try to put a wall of text in the description, talking about the production history and my thoughts on it, and once again I couldn't fit all of it in the description because I don't know when to shut up, so now I'm just gonna copy-paste what I wrote here.


Holy fuck did this take forever.  I started this back in March of 2017, and no it didn't take over a year to make a two minute cartoon, but when I think about it, it feels like it still took 4 or 5 months of solid work, at least, there were a few spans of a couple weeks where I was working on this non-stop, including the last month, and I don't understand how I spent so long on a just barely two minute cartoon, though tbf a lot of the animation here is on 1's (just because of how fast a lot of it is) so that might have to do with it.  It didn't feel like I spent too long on the animation though, but my perception of time is pretty fucked so maybe I did, I don't know.

Anyways, clearly the production history of this was a nightmare, there's no reason it should've taken this long.  I started it back in March and figured I would finish it in March, 'cause that's when Breath of the Wild came out, but I couldn't, for a few reasons, the first being that I was busy filming a live action series that still hasn't seen the light of day, and then also my laptop got dead, but that was quickly taken care of.  After that, I kept going back and forth between projects and then eventually I put a teaser for this out, expecting to finish it some time soon, but then I stopped working on it again, and then that was it for a while.  I went and worked on a bunch of other things, only finishing a few.

And then we get to this year, where I couldn't bring myself to work on anything, so all the plans I had for the year had to be thrown out, multiple times.  I kept trying to work on many things, but couldn't get very far because I couldn't bring myself to work.  Since I had been in a similar mood before in 2015, where I couldn't work on anything and just decided to start working on FMTS again after a year, and then did nothing but work on FMTS 6 until it was done, and I realized that's what I wanted to work on all along, so I figured there must be something I really want to work on, since I couldn't bring myself to work on anything else.  I thought that thing would be Gripp, an animated mini-series that's very personally meaningful to me.  So I started working on it, and it ended up like everything else, I gave up just after starting because I couldn't bring myself to work further.  And then I decided to go back to the zelda cartoon.  And I could work on it.  For whatever stupid fucking reason, this was the cartoon I wanted to work on, maybe because it was left unfinished for so long, just like FMTS 6.  So I worked on it, and for 5 or 6 months, I put out no new cartoons.  I didn't work on it consistently over those 5 months, because I always fell back into that slump.  I never truly felt like I was 100% depressed though, I mean, I thought I was depressed, but I wasn't entirely sure, but these past few months, something changed.  I felt different.  Every waking second that wasn't spent occupying myself with some mindless activity, I was overcome with immense sadness, seemingly out of nowhere.  I'm still undiagnosed, but that change, with the feeling lasting for well over a month now, plus my shit memory, definitely makes me more confident that's what's actually going on.  I should really go to the doctor about that, but that costs money.

Anyways, after way too long, this cartoon is finally done.  And honestly?  I don't know how to feel about it.  I wanted to make it the best it could be since it had been so long, but in the end, I decided to not shade the whole thing, and even skimp out on some animation, because it would have been at least another month if I had, and I shouldn't be spending this much time on a stupid zelda cartoon.  Also I tried scoring this myself, instead of using music from the game, out of fear of Nintendo  smacking me down for copyright, and I don't know how to feel about the music.  It isn't great, but I think it gets the job done and doesn't detract from it at least.

With all that said, hopefully people still enjoy this, so it makes the time spent working on it worth it.  If not, well then whatever, I've got more important things to work on anyways.

And from the looks of it, I'd say people are enjoying it ;3


Also, in other news, I have some plans for the rest of the year! (oh no!!!!!!!)

Basically, all I plan to put out for the rest of the year, is

  • an album
  • 8 new AU Reviews
  • a super secret music video
  • and maybe an EP

Hopefully I can pull it off!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also I moved, and am now working to get my GED, because I forgot that was a thing lmao.


Okay, that's it I guess.  I should probably post these more often, but then if I did that, I probably wouldn't have so much to talk about.

Maybe that's a good thing though.



We do care!!!!!!!!!!1 Congrats on the anniversary! And I really should watch that Zelda cartoon too. Soon... what a backstory. Man. Still in that depressing state? Hope you get out of there. All you can really do is take days one at a time;keep going. Maybe take breaks. Wind down. Get outside...

I'm getting an overall positive vibe from this post though so hmm... anyway Good Luck with them plans! AU Reviews?

This response shows up after your review in my feed, so you saying you should watch it was a bit confusing at first lol.

I'm still in the depression, it comes and goes, mostly hits when I'm not occupying myself, so idk how much good a break would do, at least at this point, unless it's a break where my mind is still occupied doing something. And yeah, going outside more could help. Went and explored a bit of the downtown yesterday, and that was fun, though me being a socially awkward idiot did cause for a little bit of trouble, but it was mostly a positive experience.

I'm not sure if this post is entirely positive, but I would say it's hopeful. Things are looking hopeful and that's good.

And I'm not surprised you don't know what AU Reviews is, since it's been 2 years since an episode lol. You can watch the previous episodes here: https://www.newgrounds.com/playlists/view/747a7d607060c4bb0ec5930ab7dcc67c they're pretty long though. Basically, it's a review show like AVGN or ProJared if you know any of those, except the live action bits are animated and it's not really angry, more laid back, but I do ham it up a bit here and there. I've been meaning to get back to making them because they're pretty quick to make and it's good for watchtime on youtube, but having to sift through hours of footage looking for the right clip to use sucks, and then just the whole editing process in general can be pretty boring and tedious, but it's still pretty fun to make too.

Walls of text are pretty nice. Good to hear from you again!


Yom! How's it going? Yeah man, I'm getting them goals. Will hopefully have that GED in a few weeks. I wasn't very confident in my abilities to pass it at first, because it's been so long since I've been in school, but after taking the practice tests and shit, it seems like baby level stuff so I'm more than confident I can pass it now, but I want more than just passing, so I'll have to do a little bit of studying ;3

Also I've already finished like 3 videos this month, and that feels good after not finishing anything for months lol

XD I'm not really sure which I posted first. I was going to just bookmark the thing but then I remembered I'm trying to make my life motto to never wait, and so... maybe I waited with posting the comment response instead hmm... or the feed's all whack and all that...

Well I can relate to that. I fear slowing down too much in part because I might get back to that place again, and in part because a lack of accomplishment feeds a sense of purposelessness. It's almost like I need to gamify life to make it feel worthwhile, giving everything an additional layer of made-up importance as to make accomplishing any task give an additional boost, like how leaving a review on a movie you watch suddenly gives movie-watching a potential motive outside of pure entertainment value (which as is doesn't feel that important). Work and hobby intertwine and it all becomes self-furthering in at least some, superficial way. One way to keep the dark times at bay! With a smile of denial, a while at the quay...

Summer vacation for me is basically physical work instead of psychological though, where sense of reward follows the motion rather than the mind. Feels great. Gets rid of some of that superficialism. It's like a new start coming back from that, though bad habits and distractions come crawling come winter, even though I know the cure-all, for me at least, is: exercise. Preferably in a way that matters too, so it feels less like a misuse of time, and you can really reap the fruit of your ardor (like picking fruit - that's pretty appreciative)... anyway that downtown trip sounds like pretty fun time use. :D Nothing like a little social awkwardness to spice things up!

That is good!

Ah thanks, I'll bookmark this one for decreased feed confusion. Haven't heard of/seen either one of those, but I do know the style. Game reviews, then? Maybe I'll learn some more about Zelda... btw good knowing about that inside joke too! Little tidbits of enriching game-related wisdom attained. :)

I think it's more likely the feed's whack, it seems to group types of interactions together, so because @Yomuchan's reply was more recent than your review, I guess the feed decided to group your two responses together at the top of the feed.

Yeah, any time I do take a break that sense of not getting anything done creeps back up, and I usually feel worse, but if I take a break for long enough I'll get so tired of doing nothing that I'll just want to work again and remember how much I enjoy it. I sometimes feel the need to do something to make things more worthwhile too, like a lot of the time I can't even bring myself to do small necessary things, though I've been getting better at it. I apparently have no problem wasting time on the internet or watching videos though!!!!!!!!!! also nice poetry lol

Lemme tell ya I did a lot of physical labor over the summer. Probably too much, considering how frail I am, but I do seem to have developed a little bit of muscle after it, and I've even got a little bit of a tan!.... on my arms. It wasn't a fun time though, because I never got anything out of it, not even appreciation for doing it. The times I did get appreciation felt good though, but idk how to feel about doing physical work 'cause my mind seems to wander a lot more than normal while doing it, I guess because I don't really have to use my brain much while doing it? idk, you would think it would help my brain be occupied but apparently not!

I typically tend to feel worse come winter, for a few reasons. I hope that doesn't happen this year though 'cause I already feel pretty bad, so I can't imagine how much worse it could get but I guess we'll find out!!!!!!!!

Regularly exercising could help though. I was running around our half acre front yard every day very briefly and I did feel a little better, but it was hard to maintain because I felt like it was a waste of time. And now that I've moved, there isn't even a yard to run around in! I could start lifting weights though, or just walk around the neighborhood I guess. Certainly still some options.

Yeah, it was pretty fun, and I guess I got a little bit of life experience too. I rode a public bus for the first time, went to an art gallery and "appreciated" art, and then ate at an over priced restaurant. Good times. All the worst stuff happened in the art gallery, mainly me choking on water and nearly spitting it out. Thankfully no one was around except for my roommate though, but he was still pretty disapproving lol

Yeah, they're game "reviews" though it's mainly summarizing the game's story and talking about the mechanics when they are introduced, with dumb jokes at every possible opportunity, plus little animated segments. Each episode also ends with a gag, usually in which I end up dying by something related to the game. Also the theme song was made by @MistyEntertainment so you know it's good!

Man, I can't believe you don't know too much about Zelda lol, especially with all the parodies that get made! Ah well, it's a good game series, I would certainly recommend checking it out eventually.

Ah yes, that'd explain it! The grouping feature's been bugging me for some time. I really don't need old notifications to appear at the top of the feed over and over when new ones join them. :/

Distractions, yeah. XD The simplest things become the biggest things sometimes... I guess I don't really take breaks in the traditional sense, IOW doing nothing at all, but rather doing something different, so when I get back to doing that which I did before it's a whole new thing again. Thank ya. :)

Nice. XD Been running around without a shirt a lot this summer. Thought I'd expand my tan past those initial boundaries... but then I caught a cold instead. I usually day dream a lot when doing physical stuff though. Or listen to music. It's one of the things I like about it, in how your mind is just free to wander... it's relaxing IMO. :) Can't be fun if you don't get some reward; appreciation though!

The dark? And cold?

Yeah exactly! That's why it feels better to do some physical work, IMO, in that you feel like it serves a purpose. So some kind of combination. I feel like the stairs in our house have been a real life-saver regarding exercise. Every once in a while you have to run up and down. Small run, but it does add up.

Oh man, lmao. XD Reminds me of this one time I was taste testing (they have a panel here where you get paid to test certain new products), and it was just a glass of orange juice. You get an hourly wage regardless of the test length so this was really appreciative. Simplest one so far. So, I tasted some of the juice, and wrote my comments, and everything was great... I was one of maybe 20-30 others all sitting by computers around a room, typing away in silence, and when I was done I thought I'd just drink up the rest of the cause, cause why not, and that happened. XD Very fast and embarrassing walk out of the room that one time... but I got back there soon again. Gotta face those fearswhen they're fresh.

Oh also sounds like a fun outing otherwise!

Ah cool! :D He does have a knack for that, @MistyEntertainment !

I'm learning through the parodies. :) Did start playing some of the old games for GBC back in the day, but for some reason I never got very far. I'll recognize some of the music, though! And that biting bowling ball on a chain, and the character... that's about it.